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You run a testing facility where some rather unlucky participants have to try to find their way through dangerous rooms using the Magno-Glove, a futuristic device capable of changing the magnetic polarity of objects.


Unfortunately, not all is well behind the scenes. Sasha the finance intern is mad that you made her get you coffee for the past 5 weeks, Josh the marketing intern is angry that you keep calling him Johnson, and Hannah the engineering intern has a few things to say about how you made her come to work during a blizzard!  The interns have banded together and revolted, pushing you into your own testing facility...good luck trying to get out...



Use magnets to solve puzzles from every corner of the human imagination. Fly across rooms, avoid deadly lasers, even use buttons to open doors! Wow! Magnetite uses dynamic physics algorithms to allow the player to manipulate life-like magnets to solve puzzles and progress through the increasingly labyrinthine basement of your testing facility. Who knew you needed lasers deadly to the human touch to test a device that controls magnetism? You certainly didn’t, but here you are! Test the limits of magnetism and your intellect to make your way through the facility, and hope you make it out alive.



Magnetite is set to be released to the public on December 16, 2016 from COSBaLT Studios, an amateur game development team of artists, coders, and audiophiles from Tufts University. Anticipation from our team (and the public) is at an all time high to see how this epic adventure will turn out. Make sure to check the website for more updates, and stay tuned for a fully playable version available 12/16/2016! Magnets!

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